I call it my Sacred Hour. That time before the busy of the day, when I connect with myself, visualize my day, plan what's next, mediate, pray, read, stretch, practice gratitude and just BE. Its my favourite time of the day, and having this time BEFORE the day starts has been a cornerstone of my success (and that of many other successful and purposeful people!)
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The way you start your day might significantly influence the remainder of it. If you wake up feeling frazzled and rushed rather than productive and organized, it's time to rethink your morning routine. Morning routines are generally acknowledged as a big deal for those who want to have fantastic, productive days. But this should not be the case.
We are all leaders of our own lives. This involves ensuring that we have the best chance of feeling confident and productive every day. Creating a morning routine isn't about seeing who can get the most done through the day. Instead, it's about permitting yourself to start your day with confidence, tranquility, and a good outlook.
Having set a morning routine, you will identify several benefits. Getting away from procrastination; you’ll avoid battling yourself in the morning to get started if you can get started with the correct momentum toward your goals. You may have fewer social obligations and work duties.
There are several routines to go about. It's always about what you feel best to do in the morning; however, keep in mind that your morning routine impacts the rest of your day; hence plan accordingly. Here are a few morning rituals you can follow:
Do a small workout as soon as you wake up. Go for a walk before eating breakfast, checking your phone and emails, or watching TV. This is one of the best days to freshen you up. You will also feel less dizzy throughout the day, and following this routine for a week will bring glow and freshness to your face.
Planning your Day
Don't just scribble down some to-do items; envision yourself working on them. Where will there be voids in your calendar that need to be filled? What will you have to concentrate on? Planning your day in the morning will help you set yourself up for success throughout the day. Moreover, it will make sure you are set on all your tasks.
Make your Bed and Fresh Up
Making your bed, brushing your teeth, washing, shaving, and doing other ways to fresh up is the best way to start your day off well. This method can be used alone or in conjunction with the other two—for example, fifteen minutes of important preparatory activities followed by exercise, work, or study.
Meditating just a few minutes each day may make a significant difference in your life. You'll be more relaxed and attentive for the remainder of the day. It's critical to practice sitting meditation rather than lying down in bed, as you're more likely to fall asleep again.
Eat Healthily
A healthy meal is an important aspect of any daily routine. Skipping breakfast slows down your metabolism, and as a result, you have less energy throughout the day. Some people might require more calories than others, but everyone has to consume some amount of it. A nutritious breakfast can include oatmeal, fruit, yogurt, almond, etc.
More from me.
Trust the Niggle Podcast: Listen Here Where I interview other people who have learned to trust themselves, live out those nudges and who have great boundaries.
Maybe I can help, listen, guide or confirm what you already know. It is a great self care practice to be kind to yourself.
Trust Yourself Journals... Pick your Cover here I found profound relief in writing out my thoughts, ideas, wishes and plans. Keeping an honest journal has been a big part of my ongoing journey to take care of myself... maybe it can be a start for you too.
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